
4871 Palm Coast Pkwy NW #2
Palm Coast, FL 32137

Phone: 386-246-3131
FAX: 386-246-3162


4871 Palm Coast Pkwy NW Suite 3 Palm Coast, FL

Phone: 386-246-3131
FAX: 386-246-3162

Elevator Speech Statistics


Has anyone recently asked you how the market is?

Standing in line at the grocery store, or where you pick up your morning coffee? Was your response, “Great!” or “Unbelievable!” When a potential customer asks an open-ended question like this, why do we give an answer that provides absolutely no information to the customer? Here is an opportunity to show off your expertise in real estate and provide good, factual information that the customer can use. People like working with experts in their field. Do you bring your car to a mediocre repairman? Don’t you want the best mechanic?

Here’s where you need to have an elevator speech on market statistics. How many houses sold this month compared the same month last year. How many listings are there compared to last year or last month. What’s the average price compared to last year or last month.

Do you get the idea? Know your market statistics and provide good factual information to prove that you are worthy of their business. Where can you get this info? Try your local MLS. If you are a Florida REALTOR, try the FloridaRealtors.org page and navigate to Tools/Research and view Sunstats.

If you would like more information contact me.

I’m Ric Giumenta. You can have a good day or a bad day. It’s your choice. Make good choices. 

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